Friday, September 4, 2009

Graduation Time

Its time for the 3rd Wilderwood Graduation: September 9-16th. Ben & Daniel will be graduating with their autistic children and their families.

Graduations are always extremely busy/happy/emotional/stressful times, as its a huge adjustment for the kids, dogs and parents.

The kids because they are in a new environment some for the first time in years; for the dogs because all of the sudden their trusted and esteemed people are not paying them any attention, the parents as they learn to work with the dog and child team.

Its an extremely intense 8 days, but so worth it in the end..

I can't wait to meet a new set of friends. I am going to miss both dogs terribly, but Ben more so. He's "my" baby that I brought into the org, and trained for the most part myself. But he's going to do great I just know it!!

A bit thank you to his family for giving him to Wilderwood!

ben n me

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