Ok someone had the idea too talk about our peoples....I don't know him too well so I thinks it was someone named Oskar?? I don't know but anyway...mom said cause I'm two I has to learn how two spell my stuff if I'm going to post on here.
w/e. Talk to da PAW lady!?
SERIOUSLY. Who does this person think she is anyway? Telling ME what to do.
Anyway.What was I saying?.....Did it have anything to do with steak? Cause I thought I saw somethin about steak.
Steak-steak-steak-bacon-steak-steak-steak...sstteeaaak. OH! Yeah I member. It was something about oh yeah tell you guys about my people. Well
dear there are a lot of
dem them, so where am I supposed to start!?
You know mom. She's boring. She works. Goes to school. trying to make money taking pictures of us doggies, and other peoples doggies in a long while. She's gotta finish the school thing first. Personably I think she needs to be a doggy chef and make us stuff. cause picktures are boring.
Moms Dad. We used too live with them a looong time ago (365 months days) and it was alright, but Grandpa didn't really like dogs in his house, so mom and me and Bubbles moved into our own place, and now he likes us just fine.
{Me and Grandpa at my first christmas i was only 4 months old (2008)}
We like her, cause she likes us but we don't have any pictures with her ...just cause.
Aunt # 1
Meanie. We don't like her. The End. So sometimes mom puts us in her room to irritate her. hahahahahah . She also does work and school the same place as mom. School not works. Mom said to say that she isn't completely mean cause she would watch Pompei when mom had too go to work straight from school.
Aunt #2
Sometimes she comes to moms house while moms at work and lets us outside. She sometimes helps mom do the guide dog raising but not much cause she's 'llergic to us. So we kinda like her... :))
{Awwwww look at baby Pompei!!}
Uncle # 1
He's ok, he always wants Bubbles or me to stay with us. We don't see him much.
{Midnight and E 2008}
{Pompei assists E with his skates 2010}
Uncle #2
We love this guy cause he's always coming on Thursdays too let us out while mom is gone. She pays him in "Sonics drinks" Whatever THEY are.
{Midnight and W - 2008}
Aunt #3
We also love her too cause she comes down with Uncle #2 too let us out, and they even watched us while mom abandoned us last week.
{A with Hope and Victoria 2009}
Adopted Auntie (On da right)
Also known as mom's roommate. She doesn't really like us much, but she's never here anywho so we don't care much about her.
Adopted Auntie #2 (On da left)
Sometimes she comes and lets us out too while mom's gone, and I love too sit in her lap when she comes. <33
I TOLD you I had a loooot of people!!
Its time for my mid-mid afternoon nap.
Bark Out.