Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Busy! (not)

I wish I had this super long post, catching up on all the things we've been doing around here.....but unfortunately I don't.

The most excitement I had was on Thursday trying to see if I could make an impromptu trip to AL on Friday....and try and find homes for all three of my dogs.

Lets just say that didn't happen. But we were able to drive to a city closer there, and meet up with some friends, for a birthday surprise :D Tim came with us (of course) and did well.
Erin and Tim in between some pillars
{the keys in my jacket pocket make this picture look well as my face expression}
Monday we were able to practice more harness work; I had one of my sisters leashed to his harness, and we worked on having him, "bring" her to me.
This means if she was straying away from me, or not just plain ol' not coming, he is to lean into the harness and pull her to me.
Most of you dog owners, know how much dogs (big dogs) love to pull against resistance, so this works perfectly! You could see the light bulb fly on upstairs, when he had something to do, besides just walk with me. He's going to be an awesome autism service dog :D


Abby said...

Tim is a cutie. :)

Lois Lane/Laney said...

Sounds like he's a smart boy!

Madison said...

Sounds fun! He seems to be doing well!

The Zoo Crew said...

I think it's SO cool that Tim is being trained as an autism service dog!!!

The Zoo Crew said...

I think it's SO cool that Tim is being trained as an autism service dog!!!