After lots of thought, consultations with other trainers, and prayer; we decided not to place Zipper with the family who wished to adopt her. It was a hard decision for me, as while Zip is a great dog, having her in my house has been...interesting.. I was more than ready to see her find her forever home...but at the same time, I had to make sure I was putting her in a home where she could be happy.
I have no doubt at all, that this family would have loved her too pieces, but I also had concerns about their dogs happiness as well. While Zipper is a cutie, she has made life miserable for my dogs over the last couple of weeks.
Once I'd talked to the family, I called the rescue group to let them know, that Zipper needed to find another home, but I'd put out the word once more, and see what happened. At the same time, I let them know I really needed to move her on from my home, as I wasn't able to do much with her, due to having three other dogs.
She's been spending a lot of time by herself, which breaks my heart. While I don't particularly like her, I can't stand to be the one to be increasing her stress rather than decreasing it. At different points during the day I'll either put my dogs out or take her out alone, just to spend some one-on-one time with her. Wonder of wonder, she's a completely different dog, one that's much more relaxed and calm, when she doesn't have to monitor the other dogs comings and goings; I realized more and more that I did make the right decision. Now if only we could find an adopter who fit our criteria! I have no doubt at all, that this family would have loved her too pieces, but I also had concerns about their dogs happiness as well. While Zipper is a cutie, she has made life miserable for my dogs over the last couple of weeks.
Once I'd talked to the family, I called the rescue group to let them know, that Zipper needed to find another home, but I'd put out the word once more, and see what happened. At the same time, I let them know I really needed to move her on from my home, as I wasn't able to do much with her, due to having three other dogs.
I was preparing to email the rescue and arrange a transport to their facilities for her, when I noticed an email from a lady, asking if Zipper was still available and fit the bill perfectly! No dogs, no kids, very active lifestyle and fenced in yard. We've talked, and emailed back and forth got approval from the rescue and set up a time for the exchange.
I am so happy that Zipper will be able to start a normal life, and leave the restrictiveness of my house. I know my dogs will also be glad to freely roam their domain, with out having to constantly hide under my desk, or try and fight off the crazed JRT who is clinging too their neck.
Having Zipper in my home, has definatly been an experiance and just confirms too me that every dog is not right for every home...but it has changed my mind about fostering pets...but not at this time. :)
Zipper will depart for her new home Tuesday. Wish her luck!

It sounds to me like you made a well thought out decision
Don't forget, we've moved to
Jack and I wish her not only luck, but a most amazingly happy and long long life with her new peoples!
I was feeling so bad for Zippy as I read this post, but when I arrived at the end, I was jumping for joy for her!
I hope all works out well for Zippy and her new family. Isn't it amazing that your instinct that the original family was not a good fit led to what may be the perfect environment for Zip!
OH YAY fur Zipper...I so glad hers found a home finally. I thinks you made da right dicision bouts da furst home...always go with your gut instincts.
Good luck, Zipper!
You made the right decision. For her to be happy - she needs to be in an only dog environment. I'm sure her new mom will be able to give her the love and dedication that she needs.
YAY for Zipper! I am so happy for her. Fostering definitely has it's drawbacks, but it is so rewarding. We've had a couple in here that have turned the house upside down as well. Terriers are not for the faint of heart, as you know all to well now hehe but they are so much fun!
Good luck to Zipper! It sounds like her new home will be a perfect fit for her!
good luck to miss zipper in her new home!! i think you made the right decision, miss erin, even if it was kinda hard to make it.
the booker man
Glad you found the perfect forever home for Zipper. On a side note; your photography has an amazing edge to it!
<3 Miss Kodee
Bless you for your strength and commitment to finding the best possible placement for Zipper. Sounds like a happy ending is in sight. :)
Good luck to Zipper! You are a most thoughtful doggie rescuer. It sounds like you found the perfect match!
Your buddy,
Good call, Erin...sounds like Zip's on her way to a happy home. Best wishes to her!
Good luck to Zipper! You are a most thoughtful doggie rescuer. It sounds like you found the perfect match!
Your buddy,
I was feeling so bad for Zippy as I read this post, but when I arrived at the end, I was jumping for joy for her!
I hope all works out well for Zippy and her new family. Isn't it amazing that your instinct that the original family was not a good fit led to what may be the perfect environment for Zip!
Glad you found the perfect forever home for Zipper. On a side note; your photography has an amazing edge to it!
<3 Miss Kodee
Good luck, Zipper!
You made the right decision. For her to be happy - she needs to be in an only dog environment. I'm sure her new mom will be able to give her the love and dedication that she needs.
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