Wednesday, November 3, 2010

November 3: MORE BIRDS!?!?!

Mom has decided that the birds have decided to hibernate in OUR HOUSE instead of going south. But that's ok, cause she's got ME!!!!

Here is a real life video of me telling dat bird what I think of him and where he should go. Except..he didn't really listen too me and didn't even come out until, mom went and got our neighbor lady to help her get the dumb bird out of our house! {IGNORE DA RADIO THING IN THE BACKGROUND. I DON'T EVEN KNOW WHAT MY MOM WAS LISTENEN TOO!!!!!}


houndstooth said...

I can't believe you didn't scare the bird off with that ferocious barking! That bird must be some kind of psycho!


Unknown said...

I think that's a good chase!!!

3 doxies said...

OOOOOOOOOOOOH my poooooor ears!


Kari in Alaska said...

hee hee silly birds
