Hey guys I knowed you'd been missin me and everythings (cough)Puddles(cough) butt I've been in JAIL!!!!!!!!! Fur Four very long days.
Mom is supposed ta bail me out today when she gots offa work and stuff but it has been horrifyingable. They poked me wit poky needles and stuff and mom is hopin dat I didn't bites anyone about dat. Whatever lady like I has EVER done that!? Mom says dat she was surprised dat the prison guard, was able to carry me out wit out me barkin and stuffs and I just gave her the stink eye for not thinkin good about little ol' me. But after paying like $1,600 ($161) to get me outta of there I was sooo so so relieved dat I had to sit on her lap and give hers lots of kisses, even though I was still mad at hers.
Then we had to go gets Pompei cause he gots to go to a friends house and have FUN..so I wasn't very happy to see him at first cause, it wasn't even fair and all dat. Butt the sitter people said that the was a very good boy and that they are super sad cause that is da last time they will get to see a'fore he leaves for the New York place. Intiwayssss I'm super glad to be back in my own house cause dis is where I belongs at.
Hey Texas, I'm so glad you left a comment on my blog, because I don't think I knew you were out there! Please forgive my comments about small dogs not being real dogs. I think daschunds must be an exception after reading your blog and Frankie and Puddles' blogs. I've never fostered a daschund so I guess I need to do that and see for myself firsthand. Anyway, it's very nice to meet you and Pompei and I look forward to reading more of your blog!
Oh dear, the bail was costly but I am so glad that you are at home at last!!!
Hey there!!! You two are BACK. Sorry you were in JAIL.. What did you do????
You got back just in time fur two big events..
MangoMinster 2011 and Pip and Bunny's big RACE!!!
And yous wonders why you was in jail and Pompei gots to go to a nice person's house? Bur welcome back anyways.
Yes, Bunny and Pip are gonna race against each others and your truely is Bunny's coach.
Leave it to a doxie to wind up in jail! What on Earth did you do? I sure hope that things are good now that you're out of the hooskow!
It's always nice to go home with someone who loves you.
woot! Freedom!
Leave it to a doxie to wind up in jail! What on Earth did you do? I sure hope that things are good now that you're out of the hooskow!
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