Friday, November 26, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving!

Hmm lets see you can read da story of me here:

So some body tole me dat Thanksgivin has  lots food and yummy stuffs for us to eat, butt they LIED to me! 
I didn't even get NO FOOD cept for the stuffs we get 
How cans I be thanksful if I don't get any yummy turkey food???

I even brought out my best please-can-i-have-some-food and I didn't even get nothin?!
 But I am thanksful for Nylabones cause they are yummy,...and Im thanksful dats I didn't has to share wit Pompei..and I'm thanksful fur da little bits of food I do gets, and a big yard, an.....a nice mommy for the most part.
Hey Guys! Its Pompei! Mom said I can post today cause it was Thanksgiving So I'm ams thanksful fur, my little brother Texas dat I can beat up all the time. If you bark in his face then he will run after me, cept can't even catch me cause my legs are way way way longer then his. Its verrry funny to watch!! 
Annnd I'm thankful for my mommy, and going places, and food, and paper, and that I gets to stay with mom all the way until January stead of leaving next week! Yaay! .....i thinks that's all. 

Texas again, even though I didn't even get any foods...I hope you all has a great great, great,grrrrreaat, Thanksgiving. 

Texas & Pompei


3 doxies said...

cough...cough...spittin' up sputum heres...and gaggin' cuz mum said I hads to come and say I hopes you had a good Thanksgivin but I sees you didn't so dats it.
I, Puddles gots some turkey...neener neener....
Actually, I really didn't so I guess my life ain't so wonderfuls either.
Pompei, I is glad you gets to stay til January so you can keep laughin' at Texas.


Unknown said...

Dear Texas and Pompei,

We are thankful for your beautiful pictures and stories!

JacksDad said...

What a neat trick. How did you learn to sit up like that?

houndstooth said...

No food?! What kind of house of horrors are you living in? I can't believe they didn't share with you! I have the number for the ASPCA if you want it.


Kari in Alaska said...

you look so tall when you sit like that :)


Sandra said...

We agree with you Texas. What is up with no food sharing???? So rude!

Flash, Alven and Dottie

Dexter said...

Happy (a bit late) Thanksgiving. Wow, that sit pretty is quite the trick. However do you balance like that.
