Today I finally got up the nerve to haul my camera into a store, and take photos of the dog while in there. I know silly that I wouldn't want to but, I feel weird hauling out a DSLR in a store.
Anyways Daniel, accompanied me through Sam's Club to get some new tires on my car; We spent a lot of our time, talking to people...."What's IS HE?!?!" " Oh I thought you had a stuffed animal in here" (I love that one. Seriously people!?) and doing some training.
I am currently working on the "behind" command. This is where the dog walks directly behind you, so you can get through, narrow spaces. I have tried several different ways to work with this command, and am working on something else.
So we worked on that, and "Up" command, and sitting to visit....lots and lots of that. You meet all kinds of interesting people, one lady had 10 dachshunds....all under 1, a GSD, and an Australian Shepherd.
After balancing all my purchases in one arm,(shopping cart? Why?) we checked out, and sat on the patio furniture, while waiting for my vehicle to be released.
And waited...and waited....and waited. 1 hour later, one of the guys recognized me, gasps "Oh uh, Ma'am your cars ready".
Thanks for telling me.
But anyways, it was a smooth ride home.