As I've said before, moving is stressful for the dogs as well as us humans; and I was interested to see what behaviors the dogs would display, as they adjusted to their new surroundings.
For Texas its been an increase of his already annoying barking. All these different house sounds, outside noises, cars pulling in and out...etc.. are usual things that have GOT to be barked at!
And because we don't think moving was stressful enough, a dear friend of mine, will be rooming with us for the near future. Over the weekend they have been dropping in randomly over the weekend, getting things squared away.
Since Texas has met them in the past, I don't worry too much about them coming into the house, yes he'll come at them in "killer mode" but turns to wiggling, silly puppy once he realizes who they are. And because they know to just ignore him, which takes the "fun" out of sounding mean.
Well yesterday C (future roommate) and her sister R (future neighbor as she's moving into my old house) came over to "hash out" our living arrangement. R was in the back room, doing something on my computer.
All the dogs went silly of course with new people, but calmed down when they were receiving any attention. Everything was quiet until R yelled out something from the back room.
What? Intruder!
Texas lets out a bark and tears to the back room, ready to defend his.....hide... a few seconds later he comes back out, realizing who it was.
R called for some assistance a little bit later, and again Tex tore into the back room, sounding the alarm. Again he realized it was a false alarm, and comes trotting back out after getting some attention.
You'd think we'd be done by now...but no. Once again, R (eaves dropping on our convo) made a comment, in her normal voice, which sent Texas back into defense mode.
It will defiantly be interesting to see how he adjust to having another person living with us.
>> I really wanted to start some "serious" Texas work this weekend, but forgot we'll be heading over the mountain for Pompei's puppy meeting. So. Phooey.
Also to my small dog owner bloggy friends... has anyone used a car seat for their it worth it?

Rizzo does the same thing when other people are here. I haven't used a car seat but I'm going to get one for Rizzo since she always wants to sit in my lap and look out the window when we're driving.
we fully understand the moving stress since we went from semi-rural to big city and the pups took a while to adjust
I use the lookout car seat (aka the throne) It is totally worth it shop around, it goes on on sale frequently. No more puking or whinning and I know someone that was in an accident (totally not their fault) the polieman said that the doxie would not have survived if it were not harnessed in the car seat....
Sounds like it's been a bit hectic in your territory! I hope you can settle in & get some R&R soon. We know all about the "noisy" greetings from little dogs. LOL We don't do the car seat thing so we can't help there - good luck with it though!
Well we don't have any small dogs ourselves but a blog that I read ( Kalyxcornucopia) has one and she used a dog seat thingy that you could probably ask her about.. Here is the post where she talks about it
Hello hello! Sounds like some noisiness over there with the moving, and new people around. It will calm down for sure....
Haven't used a doggie car seat, but am looking into the seatbelts...
Hugs and snaggle-tooth kisses,
Sierra Rose
Our hounds are a bit big for car seats, but we wish you luck as you try it out!
I can definitely relate to having your very own intruder alert that does not come with an off switch. It always takes Flash a while to warm up to strangers and if they leave his sight for even a few minutes and then he sees them again he always feels the need to once again sound the alarm just in case we missed it the first twenty times. He might be cute, but he's also very, very, very loud.
I can definitely relate to having your very own intruder alert that does not come with an off switch. It always takes Flash a while to warm up to strangers and if they leave his sight for even a few minutes and then he sees them again he always feels the need to once again sound the alarm just in case we missed it the first twenty times. He might be cute, but he's also very, very, very loud.
I use the lookout car seat (aka the throne) It is totally worth it shop around, it goes on on sale frequently. No more puking or whinning and I know someone that was in an accident (totally not their fault) the polieman said that the doxie would not have survived if it were not harnessed in the car seat....
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