It wasn't an easy decision at all, but one that had to be made. I'd planned on raising one of Midnight's pups when she had them, but unfortunatly she didn't get pregnant this time, so I decided that since I was leaving WSD anyway, I'd line myself up for another GDF puppy. (Not fostering with Wilderwood due to time lengths 3-6months with them verses 12-14 months with GDF but plan on staying involved with them as I can) Well...I got an email last week, letting me know that my puppy was going to be delievered today.
Instant panic mode!!! But we got things together, changed schedules, rearranged plans, and went to pick him up at our puppy meeting tonight.
He's a noisy little bugger, and spent the last 30 minutes squawking...but now he's quiet....lets just hope I can go into my room without disturbing him!! *gulp*
**Pompeii's First Puppy Meeting**
I am looking forward to our year together! 

P.S. (Someone forgot to mention to me that keeping Victoria was not my decision after all, but my parents. And they said I couldn't keep her and Pompeii as yes I'm upset, hurt, disappoint,....which has taken out a lot of the fun of having Pompy here...I know she'll find a good home, not matter how hard I wish it were mine. Words can't describe how much I will miss that dog.)
Welcome Pompeii. I completely and utterly understand your feelings about Victoria, more than I wish I did! You're in my thoughts!
YAY for new puppies!!!!!!!!!
Awww, he's cute! I'm sorry about Victoria, hopefully you had a nice good bye.
sorry about victoria, everytime they leave no matter why is hard. But glad to meet Pompy! and he looks like a big boy! can't wait to see him grow up
Hi Erin, So sorry to hear about Victoria....that is such a bummer! I do hope, however, that Pompeii helps to fill the time and the void that you will feel when Victoria is gone. You do a wonderful thing by working with the dogs. You help to change the otherwise difficult and challenging world of the differently abled individual. Just think of the joy that you spread!
Good for you, and even better for Pompii. The best is yet to come for some lucky person in the future. Butt you already know that part.
Yay for the puppy but I am so sorry about Victoria :(
Awww what a cutie!
Pompeii is as cute as his name!
Aww Puppy!! Hes adorable and if you ever need someone to watch him you can send him to NY to visit me ;) I know how you feel on the Victoria front. Thats always hard wether its your decision or your parents to find them a new forever home (ive had both). My heart is with you. Good luck Victoria in your future endevors and good luck Pompeii on life as a PIT!
Pompeii is extra cute! I hope you will have a lot of fun together in this year.
Pompeii is extra cute! I hope you will have a lot of fun together in this year.
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